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Browse By Composer


Programme Text: 

Monday, 8th October, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Il Tancredi” Rossini (1792-1868) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, 15th October, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Titus” Mozart (1756-1791) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, 22nd October, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Fingal’s Cave” Mendelssohn (1809-1847) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, 29th October, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Prelude “Titus” Mozart (1756-1792) ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 6th, 7th and 8th, 1928, at 8 ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Prelude “Titus” Mozart (1756-1792) ...


Programme Text: 

Friday and Saturday, November 9th and 10th, at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Cosí Fan Tutte” Mozart (1756-1791) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, 12th Nov., 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Il Seraglio” Mozart (1756-1791) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, 19th Nov., 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Cosi fan tutte” Mozart (1756-1791) ...


Programme Text: 

St. Stephen’s Day (December 26th, 1928) and following nights at 8. Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Prometheus” Beethoven (1770-1827) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, Dec. 31st, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Idomeneus” Mozart (1756-1791) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, 7th January, 1929, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Alfonso and Estrella” Schubert (1797 - 1823) ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, January 15th, 1929, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage” Mendelssohn (1809 - 1847) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, January 21st, 1929, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “The Italian in Algiers” Rossini (1792-1868) ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, January 28th 1929, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Euryanthe” Weber (1786 - 1826) ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, February 5th, 1929 and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Der Freichutz” Weber (1786 - 1826) ...


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