
Performance Date(s): 
Monday, July 24, 1939
Tuesday, July 25, 1939
Wednesday, July 26, 1939
Thursday, July 27, 1939
Friday, July 28, 1939
Saturday, July 29, 1939
Known Number of Performances: 
Programme Text: 

Monday, 24th July, 1939, and following nights at 8.15.

A Play in Three Acts, by RUTHERFORD MAYNE.
There will be Intervals of Ten Minutes between Acts I. and II. and an Interval of Fifteen Minutes between Acts II. and III.

The Orchestra under the direction of F. M. MAY, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections:
Overture Prelude Rachmaninoff
Fantasie La Bohème Puccini (1858-1924)
Excerpt New World Symphony Adagio: Allegro Molto Dvorak (1841-1904)

View the cast and creative personnel for this performance on the Abbey Archive: 
Location of original programme: 

Abbey Theatre Archive: ATA MPG VOL 38/1939

View this programmes' parent collection on the Concert Programmes Database: 
Musical Director(s): 
Theatrical Work(s): 
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