Victory, Gerard (1921-1995)
Programme Text:
AMHARCLANN NA MAINISTREACH (Thar ceann an Chomhair Drámaíochta) Domhnach an Oireachtais, 1/11/1953, 8 p.m. ... Ceol nua cumtha ag Gearóid Mac an Bhuaidh ...
Programme Text:
Abbey Theatre, Dublin Playing at The Queen’s Theatre Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 6th April, 1953, and following nights at 7.45 p.m. ... AN FEAR A PHÓS SALBHÁN Ceol-dráma aon-ghnímh le Gearóid Mac An Bhuaidh agus Tomás Mac Anna ...
Programme Text:
Ag tosnú Dia Mairt, 3/1/1955 ar 8 p.m. ... Ceol nua cumtha Gearoid Mac A’ Bhuaidhe agus Breanndán De Búrca ...
Programme Text:
Lá ‘le Stiofáin, 4/1/1954 ar 8p.m. ... Ceol ar an organ seinnte ag Tomás Dando ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday 13th May, 1957, and following nights at 8 ... Ceól Gearóid Mac An Bhuaidh ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 14th, 16th and 18th, August, 1956 at 8 ... Céol-fhoireann lé stiuru SEAN O RIADA ...
Programme Text:
Monday,, [sic] 18th April, 1960, and following nights at 8 ... AN FEAR A PHÓS BALBHÁN Ceol-dráma aon-gnímh le Gearóid Mac An Bhuadha agus Tomás Mac Anna, bunaithe ar an sean-sceál le Rabelais. ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 29th November, 1948 and the following nights at 7.45 p.m. ... Music specially composed by GERARD VICTORY ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 25th October, 1948 and the following nights at 7.45 p.m ... Music for Song composed by GERARD VICTORY and JOSEPH MALONEY ...
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