Albumblatt, C major
Programme Text:
Tuesday, 31st Dec., 1929 to Sunday, 5th Jan., 1930, at 8 Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Rosamunde” Schubert (1797 - 1828) ...
Programme Text:
Saturday, 16th April, 1949, at 7.45 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra will perform the following sections Overture Titus Mozart (1756-1791) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 25th April, 1938, and following nights at 8.15 ... The Orchestra under the direction of F. M. MAY, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Oberon Weber (1786-1826) ...
Programme Text:
Monday 14th July, 1930 and following nights at 8
Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m.
A Tragedy in Four Acts, by SEAN O’CASEY
Programme Text:
Tuesday, 8th April, to Sunday, 13th April, 1930 at 8. Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Don Juan” Mozart (1756-1791) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 16th April, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... 1. Théme Classique […] Chopin ...
Programme Text:
Abbey Theatre School of Acting Pupils’ Performance. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 14th , 15th and 16th [1911] at 8.15 ... The ORCHESTRA will perform the following Selections under the direction of J. F. LARCHET, RIAM, March “Romaine” Gounod ...
Programme Text:
Saturday Matinee. January 14th [1911] at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order mentioned: Morceau “Mirella” Gounod ...
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 8th, 9th & 10th [1910] at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection: Overture “Mirella” Gounod ...
Programme Text:
Monday, March 17th 1924, and following nights at 8. Matinee Saturday, 2.30 ... A Special Programme of Irish Music will be rendered on St. Patrick's Day....
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