Synge, J. M. (John Millington) (1871-1909)


Programme Text: 

Abbey Theatre, Dublin Playing at The Queen’s Theatre Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday and Tuesday, 26th and 27th October, 1953, at 8 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of Eamonn O Gallchobhair will perform the following selections: Overture Martha Flotow ...


Programme Text: 

Abbey Theatre, Dublin Playing at The Queen’s Theatre Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Saturday, 12th September, 1953, at 8 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of Eamonn O Gallchobhair will perform the following selections: Overture Martha Flotow ...


Programme Text: 

Abbey Theatre, Dublin Playing at The Queen’s Theatre Saturday, 11th October, 1952 at 7.45 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of Eamonn O Gallchobhair will perform the following selections: Overture Idomeneo Rossini ...


Programme Text: 

Abbey Theatre, Dublin Playing at The Queen’s Theatre Saturday, 4th October, 1952, and following nights at 7.45 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of Eamonn O Gallchobhair will perform the following selections: Overture Idomeneo Rossini ...


Programme Text: 

Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey

Monday 27th May, 1957, and following nights at 8


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday 20th May, 1957, and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of John Reidy, Mus., Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture The Three Brothers Cimarosa ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, 6th May, 1929 and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Rosamunde” Schubert (1797 - 1828) ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday 19th November, 1956 at 8 ... The music for the lyrics has been composed by John F. Larchet ...


Programme Text: 

Abbey Theatre, Dublin Playing at The Queen’s Theatre Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10th, 11th and 12th May, 1954 at 8 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of Eamonn O Gallchobhair will perform the following selections: Overture Titus Mozart ...


Programme Text: 

Abbey Theatre, Dublin Playing at The Queen’s Theatre Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey Monday, 29th March, 1954, and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of Eamonn O Gallchobhair will perform the following selections: Overture Titus Mozart ...


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