I know where I'm going
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 23rd November, 1959, and following nights at 8 ... The Orchestra under the direction of John Reidy, Mus Bac., will perfor the following selections: Overture Thesee Lully ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 16th November, 1959 and following nights at 8 ... The Orchestra under the direction of John Reidy, Mus Bac., will perfor the following selections: Overture Thesee Lully ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 4th, 6th and 8th August, 1959, at 8 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra under the direction of John Reidy, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Thesee Lully ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 28th, 30th July and 1st August, 1959, at 8 p.m. ... The Orchestra under the direction of John Reidy, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Thesee Lully ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 21st, 23rd and 25th July, 1959 at 8 p.m. ... The Orchestra under the direction of John Reidy, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Thesee Lully ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 14th, 16th and 18th July, 1959, at 8 p.m. ... The Orchestra under the direction of John Reidy, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Thesee Lully ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 20th April, 1959 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol Eamonn O Gallchobhair
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 13th April, 1959 and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra under the direction of John Reidy, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Thesee Lully ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 6th April, 1959 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol Eamonn O Gallchobhair ...
Programme Text:
ABBEY THEATRE -DUBLIN- Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 30th March, 1959 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol Eamonn O Gallchobhair ...
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