Delibes, Léo (1836-1891)
Programme Text:
Monday, 25th February, 1963 and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra under the direction of Pól MacCafraidh will perform the following selections: Overture Overture to “Alceste” Gluck ...
Programme Text:
Monday 23rd May, 1949, at following nights at 7.45 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra will perform the following sections Overture Mirella Gounod (1818-1903) ...
Programme Text:
Monday 23rd May, 1949, at following nights at 7.45 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra will perform the following sections Overture Mirella Gounod (1818-1903) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 28th March, 1949, and following nights at 7.45 p.m. ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra will perform the following sections Overture Il Tancredi Rossini (1782-1868) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 15th November, 1943 and following nights at 7.30. ... ORCHESTRA F. M. MAY, Mus. Bac., Director Piano ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 1st September, 1941, and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA F. M. MAY, Mus. Bac., Director Piano ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 22nd July, 1940, and following nights at 8.15 ... ORCHESTRA F. M. MAY, Mus. Bac., Director Piano ...
Programme Text:
Monday 5th April, 1948 at 7.45 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra will perform the following selections Overture The Merry Wives of Windsor Nicolai (1810-1849) ...
Programme Text:
Monday 28th March, 1948 at 7.45 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra will perform the following selections Overture The Merry Wives of Windsor Nicolai (1810-1849) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, 22nd, 23rd and 27th March, 1948 at 7.45. No performance on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
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