Operas -- Excerpts


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 26th May, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of John Reidy, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture L’Italiana in Algeria Rossini ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 19th May, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of John Reidy, Mus. Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture L’Italiana in Algeria Rossini ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 12th May, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol nua-cheaptha Séan O Riadaigh ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 5th May, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol nua-cheaptha Séan O Riadaigh ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 28th April, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol nua-cheaptha Séan O Riadaigh ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 21st April, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol nua-cheaptha Séan O Riadaigh ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 14th April, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of John Reidy, Mus., Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Tancredi Rossini ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 7th April, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... Ceol Eamon O Gallchobhair ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 31st March, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of John Reidy, Mus., Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Cosi Fan Tutte Mozart ...


Programme Text: 

ABBEY THEATRE DUBLIN Playing at THE QUEEN’S THEATRE Pending Rebuilding and Enlargement of the Abbey. Monday, 24th March, 1958 and following nights at 8 ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra, under the direction of John Reidy, Mus., Bac., will perform the following selections: Overture Cosi Fan Tutte Mozart ...


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