Casey, W. F. (William Francis) (1884-1957)
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 25th, 26th and 27th 1912, at 8.15. Saturday Matinee, at 2.30 p.m. ... THE ABBEY ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selections: 1. Overture “Marinanella” Fucik ...
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 26th , 27th and 28th [1911] at 8.15. Saturday, Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order: Overture “Des Marionettes” Gurlit ...
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 6th, 7th and 8th, at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection: Two Irish Dances (a) “Mayday” (b) “Jig” Finucane ...
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 10th, 11th and 12th [1910], at 8.15. Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection: March “Pomp and Circumstance” (No.1 in D) Elgar
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 27th, 28th & 29th [1910], at 8.15. Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection: Overture “Des Marionettes” Gurlitt ...
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 14th, 15th & 16th [1909] at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection – Two Dances (a) “Minuet” (b) “Country Dance” (The Taming of the Shrew) Johnson ...
Programme Text:
Easter Monday April 12th Matinee at 2.30. Evening at 8.15 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection – Overture “Don Giovanni” Mozart ...
Programme Text:
St. Patrick’s Day Matinee at 2.30. Evening 8.15 Saturday, March 20th, at 8.15 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection – Air “St. Patrick’s Day” Irish ...
Programme Text:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 4th,5th, 6th, [1909], at 8.15 Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection – Overture “Erin-go-bragh” Irish Airs ...
Programme Text:
St. Stephen’s Day, December 26th, 1908. Matinee, at 2.30. Evening at 8.15. ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection – Overture “Marche aux Flambeaux” Clarke ...
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