Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (1858-1919)
Programme Text:
Tuesday, 10th Sept. to Sunday, 15th Sept., 1929, at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Titus” Mozart (1756 - 1791) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 29th May, 1944 and following nights at 7.30. (LAST WEEK OF THE SEASON) ... ORCHESTRA The Orchestra will perform the following selections: Overture The Merry Wives of Windsor (1810-1849) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 22nd August, 1938, and following nights at 8.15 p.m. ... The Orchestra will perform the following selections: Overture Mirella Gounod (1818-1893) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 8th January, 1934, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture Hansel and Gretel Humperdinck (1854-1921)
Programme Text:
Monday, 25th January, 1932, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “The Bartered Bride” Smetana (1824-1884) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 7th July, to Saturday, 12th July, 1930, at 8. Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “The Merry Wives of Windsor” Nicolai (1810-1849) ...
Programme Text:
Tuesday, 4th March, to Sunday, 9th March, 1930, at 8. Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Athalie” Mendelssohn (1809-1847) ...
Programme Text:
St. Stephen’s Day (December 26th, 1928) and following nights at 8. Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Prometheus” Beethoven (1770-1827) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 15th October, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Titus” Mozart (1756-1791) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, 12th March, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Rosamunde” Schubert (1797-1828) ...
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