Ivan IV. Ouvre ton Coeur
Programme Text:
Monday, February 20th, 1928, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30pm ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Il Seraglio” Mozart (1756-1791) ...
Programme Text:
Monday, April 19th, 1926, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Prelude “Jephtha” Handel (1685-1759) ...
Programme Text:
Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1926, and following nights at 8. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the Direction of Dr. J. F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture “Ruy Blas” Mendelssohn (1809-1847) ...
Programme Text:
Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, 1923, and following nights at 8.15. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under Dr. J.F. LARCHET, will perform the following selections: Overture "Masaniello" Auber ...
Programme Text:
Tuesday, 26th Decmeber, 1922, and following nights at 8. Matinees, Tuesday and Saturday, 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: - Overture "Dioclesian" Purcell ...
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