On Baile's strand
Programme Text:
Thursday, August 11th, 1938, at 8.15 p.m. ... KINGS AND SINGING WOMEN Malachi Keegan, D. O’ Neill, J. Winter, F. Webster, F. Carney, P. H. Considine, Ann Clery, Kathleen O’Byrne, Gertrude Quinn ...
Programme Text:
Saturday, April 13th 1907, at 8.15; Matinée at 2.30 ... During the intervals the Orchestra, under the direction of G. R. Hillis, will play the following: Prelude Rieding ...
Programme Text:
Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 1919, and following Nights at 8. MATINEE - SATURDAY at 2.30 P.M. ... The Orchestra, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, Mus.D., T.C.D, will perform the following Selection of Music: - Overture "Martha" Flotow ...
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