

Programme Text: 

Tuesday, 15th August, 1922, at 8.15 p.m ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: - Overture "Oberon" Weber ...


Programme Text: 

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 14th, 16th & 18th August, 1922, at 8.15 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music:
Overture "Oberon" Weber ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, 27th April, 1922, and following nights at 8.15 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: - Overture "Bohemian Girl" Balfe ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, 20th April, 1922, and following nights at 8.15 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: Overture "Figaro" Mozart ...


Programme Text: 

Easter Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 17th, 18th and 19th April, at 8.15 p.m. ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: - Overture "Figaro" Mozart ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, 7th February, 1922, and following Nights at 7.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: Morceaux (a) "Menuetto" Karganoff (b) "Serenade" Dradla (c) Valse "Triste" Sibelius (d) Entracte "Rosamunde" Schubert ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, 17th January, 1922, and following Nights at 8.15 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: Morceau "Sarabande" Bach ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, November 15th, 1921, and following Nights at 8.15. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: - Overture "Magic Flute" Mozart ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, November 8th, 1921 and following Nights at 8.15. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: - Overture "Peter Schmoll" Weber ...


Programme Text: 

Tuesday, October 4th, 1921, and following Nights at 8.15 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ... The Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. J.F. LARCHET will perform the following selection of music: -
Overture "Ruy Blas" Mendelssohn ...


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