One act plays


Programme Text: 

Saturday Matinee, 26th August [1911], at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order: Overture “Raymond” Thomas


Programme Text: 

Thursday and Friday April 27th and 28th, [1911] at 8.15 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order: Overture “Mirella” Gounod ...


Programme Text: 

Wednesday, 26th April, [1911] at 8.15. Saturday, 29th April, [1911] at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order: Overture “Mirella” Gounod ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 9th , 10th and 11th [1911] at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order: March “Pomp and Circumstance No. 2” Elgar ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 16th , 17th and 18th [1911] at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order: Overture “Des Marionettes” Gurlitt ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 26th , 27th and 28th [1911] at 8.15. Saturday, Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order: Overture “Des Marionettes” Gurlit ...


Programme Text: 

Saturday Matinee. January 14th [1911] at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order mentioned: Morceau “Mirella” Gounod ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 5th, 6th and 7th [1911] at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection in the order mentioned: Morceau “Cavatina” Raff ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 17th, 18th and 19th , at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection: Overture “Mirella” Gounod ...


Programme Text: 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 3rd , 4th and 5th , at 8.15. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ... THE ORCHESTRA, under the direction of JOHN F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M., will play the following selection: March “Pomp and Circumstance” Elgar


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